This is Traci. She is quite the puppy. She is very opinionated and wants her way. Yesterday my husband was holding her. She wanted to get down, but he told her no that she would have to let him hold her. She was wiggly and a little growly about having to be held, but she finally settled down and let him hold her and pet her. She wasn't happy but she allowed it. He finally put her down and walked into the closet. Traci followed behind him and when she got his attention and made eye contact she growled at him and then turned and walked away. I told my husband "I guess you just got told off". She is so funny. At 12 weeks old she has life figured out and she is running the show!!! (well at least she thinks she is running the show). She is cute as a bug's ear and everyone that comes here wants to pick her up and hug her. She is not so sure she should have to tolerate all that love. She would much rather be pulling on your pant leg or chewing your shoe laces. You'd never think such a fireball could live in this little package would you?
This is "Cassie", Lacewood Cassiopeia. I just took her out and bathed her up. She is on her way to the shows in Portland OR. I always think of Cassie as just a dog until I get her out and bath her up and groom her and then she blossoms into this beautiful girl. She is sired by Shadow Hills Polaris, the beautiful double Merle that Jane Hammett owns. She is a darling little dog. She is about 14 1/2 inches and is so full of fun and joy. She has 2 points in very limited showing and several reserves. Here's hoping cute little Cassie can add to her point total. This photo of her was taken last summer by Shannalee.
Hahaha, looks like Traci is going to be a handful :) The little lady knows what she wants. And she really is as cute as a bug's ear!
Shes what we call Naughty Naughty the problem is she is just to cute. And she knows it. Good luck to miss Cassie she should do well.Shes very pretty
Oh Traci knows she is cute and can just get away with anything!!! She is the naughty naughty kind LOL.
What a hot-headed little Lady :o) Good luck to Cassie.
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